Acne-Free Kit offers rebalancing properties that keeps the skin moisturized while clearing impurities. It’s the perfect combination to get a crystal-clear skin.
It includes:

Absolute Beauty Gel

Purifying Facial Wash rich in Peppermint Extract to:

  • Cleanse the skin and removes makeup
  • Eliminate excess sebum secretion
  • Purify and refresh the skin surface

Absolute Beauty Lotion

Refreshing Skin Toner rich in Horse Chestnut Seed Extract and Witch Hazel Extract to:

  • Rebalances the skin’s pH levels after cleansing
  • Tightens the pores with an astringent effect
  • Refreshes and invigorates the skin

Rare Earth Cream

Anti-Bacterial Cream and Mask rich in Salicylic Acid and Solum Fullonum to:

  • Cleanses and lightens the skin for a clear glow
  • Provides astringent and purifying effects
  • Removes dead skin cells, dries up pimples and prevents blackheads

Purifying Mask

Brightening and Texture Refining Gel Mask rich in Peppermint Leaf Extract, Thyme Flower Extract and Rosemary Leaf Extract to:

  • Removes all impurities and provides anti-acne action
  • Smoothens and refines the texture
  • Regulates sebum secretion

Acne-Free Kit مجموعة علاجية مهدئة ومنعشة لبشرة خالية من الشوائب بفضل تركيبة رائعة لمزيج مثالي يعمل على الترطيب و تنقية الوجه للحصول على طلة جميلة وبشرة صافية يحلم بها كل شاب وشابة.

Absolute Beauty Gel

غسول منقي للوجه غني بالنعنع البري:

  • ينظف البشرة ويزيل المكياج
  • يعدل الإفرازات الدهنية الزائدة
  • ينقي سطح البشرة

Absolute Beauty Lotion

لوشن منعش للبشرة غني بالكستناء الهندية والبندق:

  • يعيد توازن مستوايات حموضة البشرة بعد تنظيفها
  • يقلص المسام
  • ينشط وينعش البشرة

Rare Earth Cream

كريم وقناع مضاد للبكتيريا غني بالأتربة النادرة وحمض الساليسيليك:

  • ينظف ويفتح البشرة للحصول على نضارة مميزة
  • ينقي البشرة من الشوائب
  • يزيل الخلايا الميتة، يجفف البثور ويحمي من الرؤوس السوداء

Purifying Mask

ماسك مطهّر غني بمستخلص أوراق النعناع، أوراق إكليل الجبل وأوراق الزعتر:

  • يزيل جميع الشوائب و حب الشباب
  • يحارب ظهور الرؤوس السوداء
  • ينظم الإفرازات الدهنية

Delivery & Returns

  • 50 QAR delivery fee on all orders below 500 QAR across Qatar.
  • Free delivery on all orders above 500 QAR across Qatar.
  • Orders will be delivered within 24 hours.
  • Delivery is not valid on Fridays or public holidays.
  • Payments can only be made via Visa, Mastercard, Cash on Delivery, or Bank Transfer to:

Bank: Doha Bank

Account: Natural Land

Account Number: 445225

IBAN Number: QA13DOHB021504452250010031000

  • Bioskinspa’s delivery team or a secondary courier will deliver to the address stipulated in your order
  • In the event of a failed delivery, the order will be returned to Bioskinspa and you will be contacted within 24 hours to set a new delivery date and time.
  • Customers are required to sign a Proof of Delivery.
  • Products must be immediately checked upon delivery to ensure that they meet the purchase order and product standard (type, quantity and packaging condition). If the products do not comply with the placed order or are damaged, they can be returned with the courier. Alternatively, contact Bioskinspa by phone (+974 5594 3147) or email ( within 24 hours of delivery. We will carefully examine the complaint and notify you of eligibility for exchange. *Terms & Conditions apply
  • Orders are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged.


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